Saturday, 12 May 2012


MUSIC INDUSTRY ESSAY 2 - significance of continuing development of digital media technology on institutions and audiences. 

Anyone who handed in an essay yesterday has feedback on their blogs. I couldn't manage to put a 'new post' on people's blogs so you now have 2 comments beneath your 1st essay. The second one refers to the most recent piece. 

Anyone who hasn't given it in, needs to post it on their blogs asap. As well as this, if anyone wants to do additional questions, post them on your blogs and 'll check regularly over the next few days.

Overall the pieces are very well written and understanding of the whole industry is evident. However, it is so important that you get our case studies in and use them to support your essays. 

Any problems, get in touch. Best of luck for Tuesday! 
Miss Hunter

Friday, 11 May 2012

Level 4 section b mark scheme

Level 4
Explanation/analysis/argument (16-20 marks)
 Shows excellent understanding of the task
 Excellent knowledge and understanding of institutional/audience
practices – factual knowledge is relevant and accurate
 A clear and developed argument, substantiated by detailed
reference to case study material
 Clearly relevant to set question
Use of examples (16-20 marks)
 Offers frequent evidence from case study material – award
marks to reflect the range and appropriateness of examples from
case study and/or own experience
 Offers examples which are clearly relevant to the set question
Use of terminology (8-10 marks)
 Use of terminology is relevant and accurate
Complex issues have been expressed clearly and fluently. Sentences
and paragraphs, consistently relevant, have been well structured,
using appropriate technical terminology. There may be few, if any,
errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Institutions and audiences question

To what extent has convergence affected the production, exchange and consumption of media products in the Music Industry?

Essay to be completed for Tuesday (strictly no excuses!)

Ensure that you understand and answer all parts of the question, using plenty of case study and research material.

Good luck!