Sunday 9 October 2011


Feedback for Editing parts 1 and 2 as well as Sound work is on everyone's blogs now (apologies for the hold up with editing). Feedback is either at very start or end of the specific section, depending on how your blog is designed.

General whole class feedback:

  • Overall quality definitely on the up.
  • Great definitions
  • Some excellent examples (even of the tricky ones)
  • More students now beginning to analyse the specific clip and comment on effect/impact on audience.

  • A handful of people still submitting incomplete work with no reason given on or after deadline (I will speak individually to these students)
  • Analysis still needs developing - eg commenting that in this clip, the use of fade allows 1 person to gradually disappear and another appear is correct, but doesn't go so far as to say why this technique has been used.
  • Make sure your definitions make sense to YOU. I know all definitions have, understandably so, been taken from the internet, but where possible, avoid copying and pasting everything word for word - this could cause problems come revision time.
Any problems or queries with your feedback, please ask for help to avoid any confusion.
Miss Hunter

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