Tuesday 22 November 2011


A great effort all round. Clear evidence that advice is being taken onboard from last week's feedback.

Class Av to date: 70%

  • Everyone has either equalled or bettered their previous result.
  • More people using a short, brief intro to keep themselves focused.
  • Overall, students were on task.
  • Wider contextual views of a particular group is beginning to creep in - ie is the representation stereotypical? Are society's views met? etc.
Areas for continued focus:

  • Editing and sound still not sufficiently discussed in a number of papers - this must remain on the priority list of issues to address.
  • Continue to push representation in relation to how society views a particular group of people - ie typical? etc
  • Push analysis even more through stronger use of adjectives ie 'the grandmother is presented in a typical fashion here in that she is caring, concerned and genuinely distressed over the fact that Amy has disappeared'.
  • Be careful that in the madness of it all, terminology doesn't fall by the way side which happened in a few papers.
Ensure you look at your feedback notes throughout your essay and also at the end - this will help you avoid making the same mistakes twice. Anything you don't understand or agree with, always see me for clarification.

Keep up the great work!
Miss Hunter

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