Friday, 23 September 2011

The Music Industry

25% of your overall mark will be an essay based on the Music Industry and you sh
ould be prepared to demonstrate understanding of contemporary institutional processes of production, distribution, marketing and exchange/exhibition at a local, national or international level as well as British audiences’ reception and consumption. There should also be some emphasis on the students’ own experiences of being audiences of a particular medium.

What I want you to start now is a record on your blogs of your own experiences and consumption of music to include:
How you obtain your music
How you watch/listen to your music in different environments
How you store and organise your music
How you engage with the artists you like
How you support the artists you like
What would encourage/discourage you to buy music from a band
How your consumption is similar/different from peers and family
Does the possibility of legal action/internet disconnection ever worry you?
Do the people who pay for broadband know how you access your music?

I also want you to keep a record of the new challenges and developments within the Music Industry that i have been posting on Twitter

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