Thursday 23 February 2012


There is quite a lot to cover here so it's important to look at key areas.

The umbrella term for this unit is 'INSTITUTIONS AND AUDIENCES' ie looking at an institution (the music industry in our case), analysing what is going on, what changes have occured etc and how all of this impacts the audience - what has changed regarding our consumption of it etc/.

Remember: you have 1 question to do and it's worth 25% of your AS Level.
By looking at specific case studies (examples in the industry) you need to show:

  • understanding of issues in the areas of production; distribution; marketing and exchange of music.

  • The above includes:
  • issues on ownership; development of technologies (an increase in number; new technologies; how has production, marketing etc changed as a result? The convergence of technologies (coming together).

  • understanding, awareness and insight into how British audiences receive and consume music.

  • that you have a personal understanding - ie your own experiences have been included. This will help confirm that you know what you are talking about and can relate what you've covered in class to your own experiences.

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