Wednesday 29 February 2012


Production in the music industry

1. Watch the video posted a few days ago on the blog entitled "excellent video on the digital revolution" - it definitely provides food for thought and gives an interesting insight into the changes of late.

2. Complete independent research on changes in production in the music industry in the last 10 years.

You might want to look at:

  • where we came from?
  • where are we now?
  • what technologies helped us to get there? How are they used. Be specific - release dates, models etc
  • what are some of the positive aspects of the changes?
  • are there any negative results of the changes?
You should also include:
  • statistics to support your findings
  • focused references and examples from particular artists - they could be artists that you are interested in.
Due Monday please (ie should be completed by Sunday night! Don't upload it at midnight on Monday!) Just posting it on your blog will suffice. As always, any problems come and see me.

Miss Hunter

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